[마이데일리 = 명희숙 기자] 걸그룹 프리스틴 멤버 카일라가 해체 심경을 전했다.
카일라는 25일 자신의 SNS에 "이런 내용을 올리는것도 충격이 크다. 묻고 싶은게 많을거라 생각한다"는 글을 게재했다.
그는 "플레디스 걸즈로 시작해 지금까지 우리를 응원해준 여러분에게 미안하고 믿을 수 없을 정도로 감사하다"며 "프리스틴이 공식적으로 해체한 지금, 여러분이 너무 속상해하거나 화내지 않기를 바란다. 대신 우리가 함께 했던 많은 추억들과 우리가 이뤘던 것들을 기뻐해주었으면 한다"고 밝혔다.
카일라는 "나아가 나는 여러분이 프리스틴 카일라가 아닌 카일라 매시로 응원해줄 수 있길 소망한다"고 팬들에게 당부했다.
이하 카일라 심경 전문.
Dear HIghs,
I am so devastated that I have to be uploading this post and I know that so many of you have a million questions. For now, I just want to say I am so sorry and also incredibly grateful to all of you who have supported us from the beginning from when we were Pledis Girlz to now. While Pristin has officially disbanded, I would like to ask you all not to be upset and angry, but rather joyous of the memories that we've had together and all of the amazing things we have accomplished. Moving forward, I hope you all will find it in your hearts to support me as Kyla Massie instead of Pristin Kyla. I had been with Pledis for approximately 9 years now and I am very lucky to have had this amazing experience and to have had such a wonderful second family. Thank you. It has been a rollercoaster ride the past 2 years and I couldn't be more grateful to all of the people who have supported us over this time. Thank you so much. I love you with all of my heart. 사랑해요 우리 하이분들.
명희숙 기자 aud666@mydaily.co.kr
- ⓒ마이데일리(www.mydaily.co.kr).
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