[마이데일리 = 여동은 기자] 그룹 god 박준형이 데뷔 전 젊은 시절을 회상을 사진을 공개했다.
박준형은 8일 자신의 인스타그램에 "요오우~ 옛날 사진들보다가 지오디 Debut하기 바루전 사진쓰 발견쓰... 10대쓰붓터 40대중반까직은 운동도안하구 근냥 일반적인생활하구 숨만셔도 이랫는대...차암나~ 운동 쮸욱안한지가 벌써 3년이 넘엇구 중간애 잠깐 한 10일동안한건 벌써 1년이너멋내...이노 ㅆㅂㄹ 망할노무 코로나쓰때매 몃개월동안 일반적인음직임도없어지니깐 망가지갯다... 슬슬 조심스럽개쓰 집애서라도 다시시작쓰해야갯군 차암나~ 다들있찌마 매애앤 가족과 사랑하는사람들과 건강이�고라는것~ 다들빗길쓰 죠심쓰 글구 ㅆㅂㄹ코랑말코 코로나쓰 죠심쓰~ 기릿~ 빼애앰!!!
Yo~ Man oh man Was lookin thru my old pics and saw this pic of me just before debuting god... shiish from my early teens til my mid 40s I didnt have to even work out and just breath with a normal living pattern or eat less and I would stay fit with a body fat percentage of 1.8 to 2.3 % like this pic but now Im lile 8 to 11... and the Last time I worked out was over 3 years ago other than in between when I worked out for like 10 days and that was even over a year ago.. and now with this stinkin corona shiz I havent had a normal living pattern stayin inside all the time.. I feel myself getting antsy... so I think Imma be broken unless I start something again soon... sooo guess I gotta start carefully at least at home with calisthenics... cuz next to family and the your loved ones HEALTH is VERY IMPORTANT! Everyone, if ur in Seoul or any part of the world with monsoon season stay dry and be safe on slippery roads and EVERYONE stay and be safe with this stinkin pandemic~ Git it! BBBAAAMMM!!! @kjk76 1.8 percent homeboyyy git it!!!
#지오디 #fangod #박준형 #JoonPark #ParkJoonHyung #FamilyLovedOnesAndHealthIsEVERYTHING #아진신젓때는하루애한끼밥한그릇이랑참치이쓰몃조각박깨못먹어서뼈딱쓰�耭瑕穩募六珝▤曼릿歐呪瀏났Ⅴ求짹冒�뼈딱쓰도아니구까시엿내차암나 #빼애앰"이라는 문구와 함께 사진을 게재했다.
박준형은 다양한 방송 예능프로그램에서 활발하게 활동하고 있다.
[사진=박준형 인스타그램]
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